Cultural diversity, the real wealth of our world!

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There are more than seven billion different cultures in the world, a cultural wealth whose value and contribution to the global society are inestimable. However, the United Nations estimates that three quarters of today’s major conflicts have a cultural dimension. Today, on World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, we want to recall the importance of tolerance and respect for what makes us different!


Differences bring us closer

Tolerance is not at it best right now. Today, more than ever, it is necessary to understand that your differences, their differences and our differences are bringing us closer, they all do. The different traditions, gastronomies, dances, music, languages, accents and colours are bringing us closer. We must take every opportunity to get to know other cultures, to learn to appreciate them and to understand the importance and richness of interculturality. Because cultural diversity is a motor for development, for social cohesion and peace. Because it is what makes us more open, more understanding. Because it is what gives us meaning, makes us unique and encourages us to share. And putting oneself in someone’s else shoes does not mean becoming the other person, it is only about understanding them to improve ourselves, to have more than just one point of view. Nowadays, phenomena such as globalisation or technological progress provide us with better access to the various cultures that are shaping our world. We must see this as an opportunity to enrich ourselves, to fight against stereotypes and to unite, more and more every day!

Respect and tolerance are liberating acts, whereby the differences of others are recognised as the same as our own and whereby the riches of another culture are taken as the weakth of all. – Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO from 2009 to 2017.


Acting for diversity  

In 2011, UNESCO and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations decided to launch the campaign “Do One Thing for Diversity and Inclusion” to encourage people and organisations around the world to take action in favour of cultural diversity. These are 10 things that everyone can do in their day-to-day life and that are now more necessary than ever:


1. Visit an art exhibit or a museum dedicated to other cultures.

2. Invite a member of your family or neighbourhood to share a meal with you and share your different visions of life.

3. Watch a movie or read a book about another country or religion.

4. Invite people from another community to discover some of your cultural traditions.

5. Read about the great thinkers of other cultures (such as Confucius, Socrates, Avicenna, Ibn Khaldun, Aristotle, Ganesha or Ibn al-Rymi).

6. Take advantage of the next weekend to visit a place of worship of another religion and participate in a celebration. When this is possible!  

7. Play the “stereotype game”: stick a post-it note on your forehead (without reading it) indicating the name of a country and ask the other participants to tell you what received ideas are associated with the people of that country. You must find the name of the country. It is a good way to make the difference between reality and false beliefs.

8. Spread your own culture around the world through Facebook pages and learn from others.

9. Learn about the traditional celebrations of other cultures like Hanukkah, Ramadan or the Qingming festival in China.

10. Listen to music from other cultures.


It does not require so much efforts, however, if you take all these steps, you will grow, you will feel more serene and closer to the others. Because knowledge is the key to cohesion! So, are you ready to get started?


Moneytrans, diversity in our DNA! 

Those who work in a company that has diversity in its DNA are convinced that respect and tolerance are more essential today than ever. Moneytrans, it’s more than 400 people of 50 different nationalities, with 50 different points of view that are only enriching us! Throughout these more than 20 years of experience and coexistence, we have been able to see how these differences, far from separating us, have made us a more prepared and openned team. That is the real secret of our success: our differences!


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At Moneytrans, we are committed to respecting and promoting cultural diversity. Visit our blog and see it with your own eyes!

We want to add our grain of sand by sharing initiatives that promote education, women’s empowerment and tolerance. We are not just a money transfer company; we are much more! Discover all the actions that we carry and JOIN OUR CHALLENGES!

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The Moneytrans team has been specialising in financial services for migrant communities around the world for more than 20 years.

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