Education, the key to integration!

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Education is the answer to many challenges. Education plays an essential role in the fight against poverty, to reach gender equality or to reduce inequality! It fosters peace and empowers everyone. And, at Moneytrans, we also believe that education is the key to integration and cohesion! On the International Day of Education, find out about the different actions we are taking to promote education on our scale!


A global commitment     

Since 2018, the United Nations have decided to establish the International Day of Education to ensure that the international community makes education a priority. The 2020 edition theme of this international day is “Learning for people, planet, prosperity and peace” to remind everyone of the importance of teaching to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goal number 4 as well as most of the other goals which aim, among other things, to ensure peace, to better respect the environment, to fight against poverty or to allow easy access to health services.


Education and integration, two of our core values  

At Moneytrans, we have been working for more than twenty years to provide you with an affordable and efficient money transfer service. And for more than twenty years, we also have been defending essential values related to the integration of migrants, emancipation of women and education for all!

Recently, we have reaffirmed our commitment to an association that we have been supporting for some time now and which never ceases to impress us with the fantastic work they do to help the migrant community: Málaga Acoge



Málaga Acoge, supported by a large number of volunteers, has been involved since 1990 to promote the integration of migrants in the province of Málaga by helping them, among other things, to find a job. The renewal of our collaboration agreement last November made it possible to finance a course on the prevention of the professional risks linked to the construction and masonry sectors for fifteen young immigrants! The course lasted two weeks and enabled these young adults to discover a new profession and gave them the opportunity to grow professionally in Spain. And who knows, this may be the beginning of a great career!



A few weeks later, we were invited to the graduation ceremony and for the entire Moneytrans team, the biggest reward we received was to see them smile! 

In recent years, we have also carried out several projects to promote better access to education around the world. The Smile School Congo project helped Elisabeth Mweya to finance the foundation of a school in Lingwada in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and to contribute to the school fees of various children. We were also honoured to be a partner of the UNIDOS Save the Children programme to which we donated 30% of the income of our online sales for over a month.  


And you, how can you do your bit on this day?  

Everyone can do something to favour education at their level! On the occasion of the Internation Day of Education, find out a non-exhaustive list of actions you can take to make your contribution:

  • Offer solidarity gifts to your loved-ones such as Educobox, gift boxes that allow you to make donations to cover a family’s vital needs such as the access to education or a Unicef “Happy Box” that can be aimed at financing school equipment in countries that need it the most.
  • By giving your time to associations that are committed to reducing inequalities in education. In many countries, associations are acting locally to help people in need or migrants to learn a language, a profession or technical skills. And these associations always need a helping hand! So, if you have free time, do not hesitate to offer them your knowledge!
  • By sharing the hashtag #EducationDay on social networks to give visibility to the initiatives undertaken on this occasion!
  • By discovering all the projects carried out by Moneytrans to promote education and by taking part in them!


Today, more than ever, we want to reaffirm our commitment to keep doing everything we can to promote a better access to education worldwide and to build a better world! Don’t hesitate to JOIN US! 

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The Moneytrans team has been specialising in financial services for migrant communities around the world for more than 20 years.

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