Moneytrans Kitchen Talent: Taste of Romania

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Let’s blend emotions and cuisine with Moneytrans Kitchen Talent! Our second talent is called Mariana and she comes from Romania. She welcomed us in her house with a big smile and sweetness.


Her story

Mariana has been living in Italy since 2000 and she told us about the difficulties she faced in the early years of learning a new language and how her little daughter helped her to learn Italian.

It is true that those people who move to another country at a young age assimilate the new language more quickly, especially those who arrive at school age because they have the opportunity to practice daily at school with their classmates and read it on school books. However, people who arrive when they are older don’t have the opportunity or time to have access to the courses, or even they have the feeling to not be able to learn something new, so it takes much longer to become familiar with the new language. Therefore, it becomes a limitation when it is time to deal with bureaucratic matters and to communicate with people around them, finding themselves isolated.

Our advice to overcome this difficulty is to “always” practice the language. If you do not have time to attend a course, nowadays many practical, free and time-saving solutions are offered by technology solutions, such as mobile applications and online tutorials. You can also listen to the radio or TV in the original language. Come on!💪




Her recipe

Mariana cooked sarmale for us: some delicious savoy cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and meat, accompanied by polenta. It is one of the typical dishes of Romanian cuisine that cannot be missed on the table during Christmas holidays. You can see the full recipe on our Moneytrans Kitchen Talent program on Youtube:



Mariana, besides having a special talent for cooking, she is also a Moneytrans’s client!

We all have a great talent, ours is to be by your side!


Do you want to participate by cooking a typical dish of your country?🍽️ Email us at [email protected] and we will contact you as soon as possible for more details.

And if you want to know who will be our next talented participant and what traditional dish we will enjoy, sign up and join our community! You will always be updated on Moneytrans Kitchen Talent news and initiatives!

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The Moneytrans team has been specialising in financial services for migrant communities around the world for more than 20 years.

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