Table of contents

While women are still a minority among researchers, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science is the opportunity to remind the importance of parity! Today, it is necessary to encourage girls and women to embark on scientific careers. Science needs them, we need them! Find out why women are essential to scientific progress!


Women brings a diversity of perspectives 

Diversity within any group is enriching! In a research group, it allows to consider various points of view as well as certain characteristics that are sometimes forgotten. Women know how their bodies and minds work and can apply this knowledge to scientific research. They foster creativity and ensure that science meets the needs of each and every one of us!  


Parity makes scientific research more accurate 

Of course! A research group is always more accurate and effective when several opinions are represented. In the history, the lack of gender consideration has sometimes led to failures. This was the case, for example, with the airbags. Tested on mannequins based on a man’s body of at least 1.75 meters and over 70 kilos, airbags, in some cases, happened to be ineffective or even dangerous as they were not adapted to the female morphology. In medicine also, it is important to take gender into consideration as men and women do not always have the same symptoms for a similar disease or will not react the same way to certain types of medicine. That’s why having more women in science will make the scientific research more accurate and beneficial to everyone 




Parity in science makes research more accurate - Moneytrans blog



Role models to counter stereotypes 

Many stereotypes in science discourage girls and women from embarking on scientific careers even if they are made for that! This is known as the “stereotype threat”, in other words, how prejudices can directly affect someone’s performance. If you hear too much that you are not going to succeed, you might end up believing it. It is now time to change that! No, women are not less gifted for exact sciences than men! Yes, women are just as involved in their careers! Yes, women are committed to drive science forward!

Science needs women, role models to encourage young girls in school to love science, female students to follow their dreams and female researchers not to give up! Several studies have shown that women professors in science improve the level of female students and inspire them to keep studying in the field. So, don’t be afraid to go for it!


Brilliant initiatives 

Many brilliant initiatives are carried out to promote gender equality in science. Among them, the l’Oréal-Unesco Prize “For Women in Science. The aim? To reward and give visibility to women researchers who have contributed to scientific progress. Since 2000, five women scientists are rewarded every year, one for each continent. Among the former laureates, Ada Yonath received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2008 and Elizabeth Blackburn won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2009.

Besides, let’s not forget to mention Alexandra Olaya-Castro whose humble economic conditions were not an impediment to winning prestigious scholarships such as the one at Oxford University, which led her to excel in the scientific world, becoming the first Latin American woman to win the Maxwell Medal. 

A brilliant initiative to highlight the talent and motivation of women in the world of science! And to make you want to take the first step if you too are a science lover!  



L’Oréal-Unesco Prize for Women in Science Awards Ceremony - Moneytrans blog



At Moneytrans, women’s empowerment is one of our core values! Therefore, we support all initiatives that are going in that direction and commit to reach gender equality. Would you like to know more?

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