Solidarity, the most human value

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As every year, on 20 December, the International Day of Human Solidarity is celebrated, a new opportunity to promote awareness among the population of the importance of what we consider to be the most human value: solidarity.


Solidarity is one of the universal and fundamental values above all else. One of the most recent human rights on which international relations should be based so that those who suffer or have less benefit from the help of the more affluent. This was one of the main reasons that led the United Nations General Assembly in December 2005 to proclaim 20 December of each year as the International Day of Human Solidarity.


It is a quality that is based on equality, inclusion and social justice and that entails a mutual commitment and obligation among the various members of society and the global community. Therefore, in a context of globalization and the challenge of growing inequality, the strengthening of international solidarity in terms of assistance, development support and cooperation is essential.


As the Secretary-General of the United Nations points out in his message for the International Day of Human Solidarity: “Let us emphasize the role of human solidarity in building decent lives for all on a healthy planet. We must work together to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and achieve the future we want.”
“Solidarity is so important that it represents the basis of many other human values, such as friendship, companionship, loyalty or honour.  It allows us to feel sentimentally united to those people who are supported.”

How do we understand solidarity at Moneytrans?

At Moneytrans we firmly believe that the promotion of a culture of solidarity and a spirit of sharing is important to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure dignity for all. We believe that it is a very important human value as it connects the individual to others who suffer or need help. This human value fosters a harmonious relationship with society but also with other living beings and the environment.

“No one who has relieved the burden of his fellows has ever failed in this world.” – Charles Dickens

It is a feeling of unity and a challenge with a common goal that develops without distinction, limits or conditioning. That is why solidarity has no prejudices such as race, sex, origin, age, nationality, religion, political ideas or any other social characteristic. It crosses all borders to help those in need. Its only purpose can be to target the human being in a state of need. True solidarity is that of giving help without expecting any reward in return. It is moved only by the conviction of justice and equality.

“We must unite, not to be together, but to do something together.” – Juan Donoso Cortés

The mutual collaboration that exists between individuals thanks to this sense of unity and this common challenge is what allows us to overcome the disasters that occur, such as natural disasters, wars or diseases. But not only that: it also applies to personal situations, with our relatives, friends, acquaintances or even strangers, who find themselves in difficult situations and who, with help, however small, can cope. In short, solidarity is the most human value because it makes it possible to resist the adversities that arise throughout life. It is synonymous with support, backing, help and protection.

“The great opportunities to help others rarely come, but the small ones, they surround us every day.” – Sally Koch

We strongly believe in the need to foster cooperation among all development actors: Governments, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, associations, civil society and the private sector.  Only in this way will we all be able to optimize the development of a person in an appropriate environment, contemplate the human being in his universality and seek guarantees for humanity as a whole.

“Mutual support is and will be essential. Global problems require collective solutions. At a time of division over many important global issues, from armed conflict to forced migration, people need to unite in making common cause, rather than drift apart in fear.”


A manifesto of solidarity on a day like today:

  1. Solidarity can change the world when it pursues a righteous cause. It can make this planet a much better place.
  2. Solidarity is a tool for reducing inequality and social injustice in the world.
  3. Solidarity leads to the sustainable development of peoples. For this reason, it is essential that it be used for the benefits it can offer to a particular cause.
  4. Solidarity can be cultivated through education, as children or adults. Cultivating it increases the overall well-being of humanity.
  5. Solidarity symbolizes our unity in diversity.
  6. Solidarity does not expire. Let us take advantage of the impulse that today’s date gives us and let us make this feeling last 365 days of the year.
  7. International Human Solidarity Day is a key day to remind governments of their commitments to international agreements.
  8. Our role is to raise awareness of the importance of solidarity.
  9. Solidarity can be manifested through infinite actions or to support infinite causes. For Moneytrans, it is vital to encourage and promote new initiatives for poverty eradication and to continue to propose actions related to quality education.
  10. Solidarity is key to achieving peace in the world.


What can we do to help as individuals?

The options are endless: volunteering, participating in charity events, donating money, donating goods, food, clothing or tools, among others. Empathy towards others encourages people to take action in solidarity, but also the idea of justice and equality. There are many NGOs working to achieve these solidarity objectives and more and more private sector companies, such as Moneytrans, are doing their bit.

“Behind the conduct of each depends the fate of all.” – Alexander the Great

You can help too. We can all do it. After all, it is incomprehensible that even in the twenty-first century it has not been possible to end hunger or that access to education and health should be privileged. Therefore, we must all show solidarity based on respect for each other, breaking down the barriers that keep us apart from each other and, in short, always seeking what unites us rather than what separates us.

“Or as William Shakespeare said: “We have come into this world as brothers; let us therefore walk hand in hand and one before the other.”


At Moneytrans we want to do our bit by spreading some solidarity initiatives through our means to raise people’s awareness and appeal to their solidarity. We are a collaborating company within the UNIDOS program of Save the Children. Through this programme, we help millions of children to access school, to improve the quality of education, to maintain that quality even when their countries are experiencing an emergency or conflict, and to ensure that school is always a 100% safe and inclusive space. Discover this project and all the actions we carry out and join our challenges!


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The Moneytrans team has been specialising in financial services for migrant communities around the world for more than 20 years.

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