Moneytrans, rewarded for its social responsibility

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The 13th edition of PubliFestival, the International Festival of Social Advertising took place last June 25th. During the festival, the Gala Foundation awarded the Social Enterprise Awards to companies, NGOs, foundations and entities that are fighting for a fairer world. Moneytrans received the award in the category “Best Social Responsibility Project in the Financial Sector” for the “Making People Smile” initiative. The president of the festival, María Cansino presented this awards ceremony as “the event that changes the world”. And since it was about improving the society, Moneytrans could not miss the appointment!


An evening for social action

The gala, held at the theatre Infanta Isabel in Madrid, has been a real example of the social work of every corporations that are willing to go further. More than 50 organisations from Spain but also from Europe, Latin America and the United-States have been awarded. María Cansino, president of the festival, began the welcome speech by reminding us that we were celebrating love, the love of building a better world, more solidary, more egalitarian and, above all, a fairer world. And this is not easy to define, but this love must be the one that guides us every day to grow as companies by creating perfect situations to give the best of us, not without expecting anything in return, but quite the opposite, hoping that all our actions will help us to achieve a social conscience which will allow us to evolve as a society.

Happy 13th edition, happy edition of love and social responsibility and congratulations to all the winners because you are an example and the true definition of what love is. – María Cansino, director and founder of the festival.

Among the winners, we discovered projects that aim to empower refugee women such as the campaign launched by CEAR Euskadi. Other projects seek to create a reflection on the stereotypes about immigrants such as the initiative carried out by SOS Racisme. And in other campaigns, like the one created by the Spanish Commission for Refugee (CEAR), immigrants send messages of gratitude to their host country through postcards with the concept #LaPrimeraPalabra. It is initiatives like these that are making societies more empathetic, egalitarian and just. “Making People Smile” is our contribution to this common goal!  


More than a prize

Many thanks to the jury and the foundation for recognising our humble project. I want to dedicate this award to the 256 million brave immigrants in this world. – Leticia Carbajo, Country Manager Moneytrans Spain.

This is how Leticia Carbajo, our Country Manager in Spain, collected the award in the category “Best Social Responsibility Project in the Financial Sector” for the “Making People Smile” initiative. This award is not only a source of satisfaction for the entire Moneytrans team around the world but also an incentive to keep doing our best to promote the inclusion of those who are at the heart of our business, the immigrants, as well as to promote education, social integration and empowerment of women. This is what motivates us!


At Moneytrans, we feel like we are more than a money transfer company. Working in the financial sector, we had the pleasure to see how the remittance service is building bridges around the world between families that are thousands of kilometres away. However, it was clear for us from the beginning that our commitment to global society had to go further. Thus, thanks to the “Making People Smile” initiative, we have been able to realise our desire to improve the situation of those in need in different parts of the world. These are our three lines of action; click on the links to discover all the actions we are carrying out!

  1. Making Children Smile: Educating Smiles.
  2. Integration and multiculturalism: Spreading Smiles.
  3. Women empowerment: Creating Smiles.

In addition to the prize, the Gala Foundation also handed us over an award worth €3,995 for training courses on corporate social responsibility, a new way to keep learning about social issues and discover innovative ways to share our values with the world!



From Moneytrans, we want to thank all those who, through their work and their solidarity actions, have contributed to making us worthy of this recognition. We would like to invite all people, customers, partners, entities or NGOs who are willing to get involved to collaborate with us in this solidarity project!

We also want to thank the organisation of the festival for giving us the opportunity to get to know other social projects that make the world a little better and also for this special moment that we shared with the rest of the award-winning companies and agencies and with the high-level artists that are Efecto Mariposa and the Madrid Gospel Choir!


Do you want to be part of the change? Join our challenges!

Picture of Moneytrans


The Moneytrans team has been specialising in financial services for migrant communities around the world for more than 20 years.

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