Moneytrans, winner of the 2019 Social Enterprise Award

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Moneytrans has been awarded the “Best Social Responsibility Project in the Financial Sector” prize by the prestigious Gala Foundation for its Making People Smile initiative which aims to highlight the cultural and economic value of migration and help those who are at the heart of our business and those who are the fruit of our success: those who have decided to emigrate from their country in search for a better future for their families and loved ones.


These awards recognise the projects carried out in the area of corporate social responsibility in which our company has invested in three fundamental lines of action: education, integration and empowerment of women.

At Moneytrans, we have never ceased to believe that a better world was possible and our efforts to improve the society do not start here. Everything started in 1991 by the hand of our founder, Francisco Sánchez-Apellaniz who realised that the commissions applied to currency change were abusive. Since then, our company has been founded to provide a fair and accessible money transfer service for migrants, being the first low-cost company in the sector in Europe.


Building bridges that unite us 


After more than 20 years in the financial sector, we have seen how remittances help improve the world and build a better future for those who receive them. Remittances help to support millions of immigrant families and are also contributing to progress in their children’s education and thus trying to reduce the educational gap and child labour with respect to other countries. At the same time, due to the high fees that bank are charging on these remittances, low-cost remittance companies such as Moneytrans allow families to save a greater margin of income. Not to mention the positive impact of remittances on the economic development of the recipient country. It is in the countries where more help is needed where the sending of remittances is the highest and where solidarity is growing.

For this reason, it is a real pride for the entire team to be able to contribute to these improvements thanks to our services. However, at Moneytrans, we have long understood that our commitment to society should go further.


Moneytrans, much more than a money transfer company

At Moneytrans we firmly believe that a better world is possible, we bet on human value and support for the best causes that are fostering progress throughout the world. Therefore, in 2017, the Moneytrans Group decided to launch the initiative “Making People Smile” which aims to promote education, empowerment of women as well as integration and interculturality through numerous actions that enhance these values, our values.

Values that we materialise in the concept of #BlueSpirit and with which we intend to involve not only the entire Moneytrans team but also our partners and customers. Because we can all have a role to play, this is ours!

Our project is divided into three areas of action:


Making Children Smile: Educating Smiles

In a context of forced migration and a society that builds physical and psychological walls, education is the engine of change to achieve a more open and just world! Among the actions we have carried out, the “Smile School Congo” project has shown us that dreams have no limits. Elisabeth Mweya’s dream was to open a school in Lingwala (DRC). In 2003, the situation was complex due to lack of financial resources. Our local team in Kinchasa put us in contact with her and we provided her our help. In just 15 days, the school was ready to welcome the students, 30% of the children of the “Smile School Congo” received direct help for their registration fees and 2 000 euros more for school fees and school material!

Moneytrans is also partner in Save The Children’s UNIDOS program in which we have participated by donating 30% of the income of online sales for a whole month. And internally, we also take part in initiatives that promote education by offering our team Educobox on special occasion to help improve the education of children around the world!

Integration and multiculturalism: spreading smiles

In an era of migratory flows, conflict and growing populism, it is essential to promote diversity and support the integration of migrants. At Moneytrans, we have the pleasure of being a multicultural family. We know that differences bring us closer and enrich us. Therefore, we take the opportunity to share in our social networks and corporate blog content about different cultures, ideas of respect for diversity, solidarity campaigns as well as the great stories of surpassing oneself that our customers or employees have experienced. Feel free to take a look!

And as dreams come true with efforts, this April, we have celebrated the first edition of the 2019 Moneytrans Immigrant Entrepreneur Awards. An initiative to honour the courage of immigrants!

Women empowerment: creating smiles

At Moneytrans, we are convinced of the positive impact the empowerment of women has on societies and particularly of migrant women. This is why we are sharing information for women’s inclusion, joining events that recognise their contribution to our societies and celebrating their achievements!


Moneytrans, winner of the 2019 Social Enterprise Award

It is all these actions with the objective of improving the society that have brought us here. On one of the most significant days for us and for our work, the International Day of Family Remittances, we would like to share with you some great news: Moneytrans has received recognition for its social work with the Social Enterprise Award! Moneytrans won the prestigious Fundación Gala Award in the category “Best Social Responsibility Project in the Financial Sector”.

Each year, the Gala Foundation gathers the most committed companies from various sectors in a gala where the emphasis is given to the importance of social work within a national or international entity. In this edition, each winner will be awarded a training grant worth 3995 euros to attend different training programmes related to corporate social responsibility, courses that will undoubtedly be of great help on our way to make a better world possible!

This award is of great relevance to us because it signifies the recognition of our social policy and our commitment to our immediate environment. We are proud to actively contribute in the integration of the immigrant community in Europe and to the support of their families in their countries of origin. –  Leticia Carbajo, Managing Director Spain

Today, more than ever, we reaffirm our commitment to continue building bridges that unite us and improve our world. Join our challenges!

Picture of Moneytrans


The Moneytrans team has been specialising in financial services for migrant communities around the world for more than 20 years.

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