How to make a good resume

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Here are some tips for writing, structuring and submitting your resume to avoid it going straight to the wastepaper basket.

Did you know that your resume has 7 seconds to be selected or, on the contrary, discarded?

Crazy as it may sound, seven seconds is a long time. As a general rule, this is the time it takes for human resources managers to discard or select an applicant.

The resume is the first letter of introduction for any candidate to a particular company or job offer.  In short, it’s your chance to make a good impression, so it’s very important that your resume is well written and structured. It should also be as close as possible to the offer or company to which you are applying.

From Moneytrans, we leave you with a series of tips and advice to help you in this difficult task:


1. What should be on your resume?

Your resume should reflect your professional and academic experience. Also all those aptitudes and attitudes that stand out from your personality and that can be a plus in your application.

If you don’t have professional or academic experience, don’t worry. Remember, there was always a first time for everyone.

If you are still studying, highlight any projects, studies or subjects you have felt comfortable with. Argue your interest for the position.

If you have no academic or professional experience or not all the experience you want, reinforce all the reasons why you think you could do the job well.


2.  The importance of honesty

Lying about your experience or your abilities will never get you anywhere. Sooner or later, lies or improved versions of yourself will be discovered and you will have missed the opportunity.

If you are proactive, eager to learn or willing to improve in everything, don’t hesitate to show it. But it does rule out the option of lying about previous jobs, spoken languages, or abilities.


3. Schematic Structure

It is best to present the information as clearly as possible and to do this, you can use the following scheme:

–          Personal data or information: in this section you must provide your personal data. Name, surname, date of birth, telephone and email address. It is always good to add a color passport-size photo. Watch out! The photo must meet the minimum conditions…It is not worth placing a photo like the one you would post on Facebook. Rather, it is a photo like a driver’s license or ID card.

–          Professional Experience: it is recommended to organize it chronologically. First of all it is best to be up to date and honest with the information. If you don’t have a lot of experience, don’t try to inflate anything and remember that it will be convenient to highlight other information related to your personal characteristics.

–         Academic Experience: follow the same advice as above. Write them down chronologically and without falsifying anything. Highlight what may be of interest for the position or company.

–          Complementary Training: if you have taken courses in parallel with the training or independently, this is the place to highlight them.

–          Languages: if you speak, write or understand another language, besides the native one, highlight it! Languages are increasingly valued and can be the deciding factor in your selection. But remember to be honest!

–          Informatics: this point is also important. Highlight those software programs you know how to use depending on the job requirements. Don’t forget to indicate, if appropriate, the other computer skills.

–          Hobbies: Talking about your hobbies, interests and life expectations may be another point in your favor. Be honest and don’t forget to comment on things that might say a lot about you. An example of this can be if you collaborate with an NGO, be a volunteer, have your own blog…


4.     Spelling and presentation

Take great care with your spelling and presentation, whether you submit your resume on paper or by email. Print in color and on good paper and, if you send it by email, always try to do it in pdf and as an attachment.


5.     Last but not least: Be positive!

Be enthusiastic and show your capacity for responsibility. Other points in your favor may be versatility, confidence or those traits that can make you be selected.

Attitude moves mountains and if it is positive, what seems impossible can be achieved.

Don’t hesitate to write a cover letter that gathers the best of you and where you can show them your motivations. Tell them why you feel strong for the job you want to apply for or why you want to work for that company.

Maybe that letter could be the open door to a job interview…



And, of course, if you want to be part of our family and work with Moneytrans, don’t hesitate to put these tips into practice and send us your best resume.

Best of luck!


Picture of Eliezer Rodriguez

Eliezer Rodriguez


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