New website, new era

Table of contents

At Moneytrans we have been listening to our customers for years, looking for the best way to respond to their needs with accessible, affordable and useful products and services that allow them to improve their quality of life and the lives of their loved ones.

After more than 20 years of experience in this sector, we have grown, we have evolved, and we want you to evolve with us! That’s why we want to offer you the best version of ourselves, an improved version of our remittance company!


Our new website


As you may know, at Moneytrans we have launched a new website. In this way, we give you access to a more convenient, simpler and safer service. All with the aim of spreading smiles around the world and making you feel at home.

More convenience


We have been working non-stop to offer our customers the best user experience possible, with an easier and more intuitive navigation, a better organisation of content and services, and a faster website! A website with a responsive design that allows pages to adapt to any mobile device from which they may connect and with a more corporate design – more like Moneytrans!

Furthermore, you know that we have the best customer service, so we are not leaving this area behind. Now it will be easier to contact us thanks to our chat – always available on all our pages – or the easy access to our contact page.

Of course, if we have any important information to communicate, we will publish a visible pop up – so that they don’t miss anything!




We have merged our two websites, so iMoneytrans becomes Moneytrans. In this way, we unify our entire offer of services available to our customers in Europe. Accessible services for everyone, with the transparency that has always characterised us.

Therefore, you can now send money as usual, using your usual account, but accessing through Here you can see how to access.

Don’t worry, the process will remain the same for you, but you will notice an improvement in the quality of service.

In short, we unify our brand to make it easier for you!

Increased security


At Moneytrans, the security of our customers is our top priority. That’s why we have strengthened our identity verification, authentication and anti-fraud processes.

In addition, we have incorporated direct customer reviews on our website to help people who don’t know us yet.



What more could you ask for?


At Moneytrans, you will always have a reliable partner to trust your money to. We keep partnering with the most reputable payers in the industry to ensure that your money gets to your intended recipients in the right way, as quickly as possible and in the method of your choice.


We know the importance of time, security and tranquillity. Enjoy the best quality of service with Moneytrans!

Smile and let us take care of you.

Picture of Moneytrans


The Moneytrans team has been specialising in financial services for migrant communities around the world for more than 20 years.

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