Workplace recommendations during the pandemic

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Health hazards in the workplace, including heat, noise, use of dangerous chemicals or unsafe machinery, excessive weight carrying, repetitive movements, extensive computer use and stress, cause illness and can aggravate other health problems. In addition, people with poor working conditions and a high workload are more likely to have bad habits, less physical activity and a less healthy diet.

Therefore, both the United Nations and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) observed April 28 as World Day for Safety and Health at Work to help reduce the number of work-related injuries and illnesses.


The importance of occupational safety and health during the pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic, which erupted worldwide in early 2020, has had major consequences all over the world. In relation to the working life, it has not only had an impact on the reorientation of new working arrangements, such as teleworking, but also on the risk of transmission of the virus in the workplace.


What measures does Moneytrans perform?


At Moneytrans we value all those individuals who are part of our big family. Thanks to them we have been able to achieve all our goals and become what we are today.

That is why, during this pandemic more than ever, we have prioritised taking care of our employees.

Firstly, we have incorporated teleworking for those who feel uncomfortable going to the workplace because of the risk of contagion. On the other hand, for those who come to the office to work, we have put in place the necessary measures to ensure their safety.

Do you want to know which are the measures implemented by Moneytrans to prevent COVID-19 infection?


Monitoring of health status

If an employee has or thinks he/she has symptoms similar to those of COVID-19, he/she is advised to stay at home for the recommended period to ensure the safety of the rest of his/her colleagues.

Capacity control

At Moneytrans, we provide all employees with a shared document through which we monitor and organise the days and schedules of attendance at the workplace. In this way, we control the number of people in the office on the same day and avoid exceeding the recommended capacity limit.

Social distancing

Workstations are separated by 2 metres from each other to ensure the minimum interpersonal distance recommended to avoid the risk of contagion. In addition, we remind our employees to avoid sharing objects and equipment, such as mobile phones, keyboards, calculators, pens, or any other office or personal equipment.

Use of hydroalcoholic gel

Although each worker has individual materials and equipment, we provide our employees with hydroalcoholic gels to clean and disinfect their hands continuously, in order to prevent any risks.
Additionally, we continually remind people of the need to wash their hands regularly.


Disinfection of workstations

At Moneytrans we have cleaning staff who continuously visit workplaces to clean and disinfect each workstation, as well as personal belongings, contact surfaces, handrails, switches, door handles…

Use of face mask

Despite respecting the safety distance, at Moneytrans we require all our employees to wear a face mask during the entire working day. We provide them with FFP2 approved masks and others decorated with our fantastic logo, so they can’t help but smile!



Installation of screens

In case the use of masks, the respect of the safety distance and the disinfection of spaces and objects were not enough, we have installed methacrylate screens that separate all work stations and act as a barrier to the virus.




In addition to the mentioned measures, it has been proven that ventilation of enclosed spaces is a fundamental measure for the prevention of the spread of the virus. For this reason, at Moneytrans we now always have our large windows open, to breathe clean air and promote proper air renewal!

In addition to continuous natural ventilation, we recommend the use of C02 meters to monitor air quality.

Temperature control

It is advisable to maintain a temperature above 21ºC and a relative humidity between 40% and 60%. For this reason, we keep the temperature in our offices between 21-26ºC, which is the optimum temperature to accelerate the inactivation of the virus.


Compliance with appropriate occupational health and safety measures can help control the spread of COVID-19, while protecting employees and society in general. For this reason, we strongly recommend following all these measures to the extent possible. Businesses, employers and employees all have a key role to play in the fight against the pandemic, so your collaboration is vital!

At Moneytrans, we can’t wait to get back to normality and – while still maintaining health and safety measures at the workplace – to be able to greet each other, hug at good news, have lunch and laugh out loud together, celebrate important milestones and share cakes on our birthdays!


Picture of Moneytrans


The Moneytrans team has been specialising in financial services for migrant communities around the world for more than 20 years.

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