Welcome to the website of Moneytrans, whose use is governed by the terms and conditions published hereafter and include our Privacy Policy and Policy on Cookies Use. By consulting our website, you declare having acknowledged these Terms of Use and agreeing to them.
Moneytrans Payment Services SA (hereinafter referred to as “Moneytrans”) is a payment institution incorporated under the laws of Belgium, with company number BE.0449.356.557 and registered office established at Boulevard de Waterloo 77/01, 1000 Brussels. Moneytrans is a SWIFT member (BIC: MTPSBEBB) and is authorized to provide money transfer and payment account services under the prudential supervision of the National Bank of Belgium (www.nbb.be).
Moneytrans Payment Services SA is represented in Spain by Moneytrans World Entidad de Pago S.A., with company number A92667732 and registered offices at Calle Puerta del Mar 18, 8, 29005, Málaga, acting as its Principal Agent and Central Contact Point towards the Spanish authorities in relation to the provision of the payment regarding payment accounts and debit cards. Moneytrans World Entidad de Pago S.A. is a payment institution authorized by the Bank of Spain to provide money transfer services (www.bde.es). Being registered in Registro Mercantil de MÁLAGA Tomo 4758, Libro 3666, Folio 59, Sección 8, Hoja MA79372, Inscripción 1ª.
MONEYTRANS PAYMENT SERVICES S.A (hereinafter referred to as « Moneytrans ») is responsible for the development, the operation and the content published on its transactional website (hereinafter referred to as « the website of Moneytrans », « the Moneytrans Website » or « the website »), which can be accessed via the following Internet address: https://www.moneytrans.eu/spain
The present Terms of Use govern the access to the Moneytrans website, and the use of the information and services provided through it. Together with our Privacy Policy and our Policy on the Use of Cookies which specifically governs the processing of personal data collected about the online customers, they form the contractual relationship between MONEYTRANS and the users of the Moneytrans website (hereinafter also referred to as “the website users” or “customers”). The present conditions are valid from the online hiring process until the end of the service provided, either the withdrawal period and guarantees legally established, as applicable.
The website users may have to accept specific terms of use applying to certain specific financial services made available on the Moneytrans website. Such additional terms will be notified to the website users when they order the relevant services and will require their separate consent.
The Terms of Use applicable to the session during which the user utilises the Moneytrans website are those which are posted at the same time on the website. We therefore recommend to the users to print or to download a copy of the general Terms of Use applicable to their online operations executed via the website, and to keep it for future reference.
The nullity of one or more provisions of the present Terms of Use shall have no impact on the validity, scope or enforceability of any of the remaining provisions.
The provisions of the present Terms of Use apply without prejudice to any mandatory, legal or regulatory provisions that may also be applicable.
The financial information and services available on the Moneytrans website are only intended to be used by individuals aged 18 years or over and who are legally residing -or at least have a payment instrument issued in Spain (or in one of the other EU countries where the platform is operational). By making use of the products and services provided on the Moneytrans website, the user confirms meeting the aforementioned eligibility criteria of age and of residence -or of territoriality of the means of payment they will use on the website.
The information posted on the Moneytrans website is provided without guarantee or liability on the part of MONEYTRANS, except in the case of gross or intentional negligence by MONEYTRANS. It is only valid on the date of its posting on the website and MONEYTRANS cannot guarantee its accuracy, absence of errors, completeness and/or timeliness.
The information, simulations and tariffs available on the Internet website are provided exclusively for information purposes and independently of any specific contractual and/or unilateral commitment entered into by MONEYTRANS. They can in no case be considered as a recommendation or a direct offer for the sale and/or purchase of products and services, unless they are accompanied by a purchasing order validated by the website user. Hence, they only from an element of assessment for the website users, who remain free to decide and solely responsible for the use they make of them.
MONEYTRANS takes all reasonable measures to provide accurate and up to date information on its website. MONEYTRANS may modify, at any time and without prior notice, products and services made available on its website, or interrupt the access to all or parts of the website, among others in order to update its content, without any limitations.
To access the secured areas of the Moneytrans website and use the online financial services provided therein, the website user must register by providing personal identification details, and confirm their email address. By agreeing to register with the Moneytrans website, the website user declares also agreeing with the terms of MONEYTRANS’ Privacy Policy, which governs the collection and processing of personal data by Moneytrans. The website user also declares being at least 18 years old and legally residing in Spain.
The website users must provide accurate and truthful information when registering with the website. They shall also be responsible for promptly updating any personal data previously provided to MONEYTRANS, especially in case of changes relating to their address of residence, identity document, phone number and/or email address.
MONEYTRANS may ask at any time to the registered users of its website to provide documents evidencing their identity or their address of residence. When the use of certain online services requires it, the users shall also agree to providing a copy of their identity document and/or of any other document that may be required for the delivery of certain online financial services. The Internet website shall display a message inviting the online customer to upload a digital copy of their identity document or of any other supporting document in their file, as may be necessary.
Each website user may only hold one account with Moneytrans. The means of access to such an account are strictly personal and may in no case be shared with third parties, including with other family or household members.
The use of the Moneytrans website and of the online financial services provided through it is strictly intended for private and legal purposes. In the case where the user wishes to use the online services for business purposes, he/she must immediately inform MONEYTRANS of such an intended purpose, by contacting our Customer Service as set out in Section 13.
The user undertakes to:
- To pay the services and make use of it according to law and the present general conditions.
- Keep the password confidentially and immediately notify the company about any suspected non authorized use of the account or password access.
- Not to use other user’s account, username, or password, attempting to impersonate the real user.
MONEYTRANS reserves the right to restrict at any time the access to any or all parts of its website, or to cancel a pending transaction in any of the following cases:
- The customer provides incomplete or inaccurate identification data;
- The customer refuses to provide valid identification documents,
- The customer uses the website services for abusive, fraudulent or illegal purposes,
- The customer violates other conditions set out by the present Terms of Use, or,
- The customer risks compromising the integrity, the security and/or the reputation of the website.
As part of the registration process, the website users will be invited to choose a combination of a username and a password, which will thereafter constitute their personal access codes to the secured transactional area of the website. Such access codes are strictly personal and confidential. The customers are the sole responsible party for their use and they must refrain from disclosing them to any third party. The personal access codes should only be entered on the secured area of the Moneytrans website (section “login” via the following URL: https://www.moneytrans.eu/spain/en). MONEYTRANS or its employees will never ask its customers to disclose their personal access codes to the website by phone or by e-mail. The customers should disregard and immediately report to MONEYTRANS any situation whereby they are requested to provide their personal access codes via an email or a third-party website. The website users are additionally responsible for ensuring that their access codes are not stored on their browser software or are not recorded in any other way on the hard disk of the personal computer, or on any other device easily accessible by third-parties.
Registered website users may ask at any time to modify or to suppress their personal access codes to the Moneytrans website. They shall also immediately inform MONEYTRANS in case they notice an unauthorised use of their access codes, or any other breach in the security of their user account. MONEYTRANS shall endeavour to promptly modify or revoke the personal access codes of a registered user, upon receiving such a request. Until then and except in the case of gross or intentional negligence by MONEYTRANS, the users shall be solely responsible for any direct or indirect damage that may result, for them or for MONEYTRANS or for third-parties, of any use, whether fraudulent or not, made by them or by a third-party, of their personal access codes on the Moneytrans website.
Except in the case of gross or intentional negligence on its part, Moneytrans cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damages incurred by the website user, which would result from the use of the website or from the impossibility to use it, whatever the reason.
MONEYTRANS shall thus not be responsible, among others, for any direct or indirect damages caused by:
- The interruption of the access to the website and/or delays or losses in data transmission caused by disturbances in the communication systems that are not under the control of MONEYTRANS (such as power cuts, interruptions in the phone lines or connection problems caused by the Internet access provider of the user or by a specific software installed on the user’s computer);
- The unauthorised access and/or fraudulent use of the Internet website using the personal access codes of the user, made possible by a negligence on the part of the user (caused, for instance, by the inadequate protection of the confidentiality of his/her access codes against theft or against the transmission of computer viruses);
- The fraudulent use of a payment card on the Moneytrans website;
- The occurrence of any event of force majeure.
MONEYTRANS shall in no case be liable, beyond the amount invoiced to the customer on the Internet website, of any direct or indirect damages caused by the delay in the execution or by the partial or non-execution of an order placed for a product or service via the Moneytrans website, regardless of whether such damages were caused by the negligence of its employees or its foreign correspondents or by any other reason.
In the case where a product or service ordered online could not be delivered within a reasonable timeframe (3 working days) due to a failure in the service operated by MONEYTRANS, MONEYTRANS shall reimburse the total amount invoiced to the website user at the time of his/her order placed via the Moneytrans website.
The content, programs, information and/or advises express in this website must be understood to be simply for orientation purposes. MONEYTRANS is in no way answerable for the effectiveness or accuracy of the mentioned
information, and is exempt from any contractual or extra-contractual responsibility towards the User who makes use of them.
In order to complete the process, customers must provide the information needed and click on SEND MONEY, or a similar expression. Customers must navigate through screens and fill the requested personal data. If users are not able to continue, means that any field is blank or not properly filled. Data can be checked and corrected necessary.
International money transfer orders initiated via the Moneytrans website are subject to transaction fees, transaction limits and payment conditions that vary depending on the country of destination of the funds.
An exchange rate also applies to money transfer orders paid in a different currency than the Euro in the country of destination of the funds. In such cases, the amount of the transaction will be converted into the applicable foreign currency at the time of initiating the money transfer order via the Moneytrans website, and the exact amount to be received by the beneficiary in the local currency will also be displayed in the order.
The website user can enquire about the conditions applicable to a money transfer operation, including the payment modes and the pay-out locations available in the country of destination of the funds, by simulating an order using the calculator available on the website.
In addition to the transaction fees, MONEYTRANS may also keep a margin on the exchange rate it applies to money transfer operations initiated via its website. MONEYTRANS also reserves the right to apply more favourable exchange rates to the remittance transactions initiated via its website than those applied to the orders processed at its retail offices and authorised agents.
By validating an online money transfer order, the online customer confirms agreeing to the financial and operational conditions applicable to their transaction, as indicated on the website. The user also declare that their personal identification data and those provided about their beneficiary are accurate in all respects. MONEYTRANS reserves the right to request additional information about the website users, or to suspend or cancel a pending transaction for any of the reasons listed in section 4 above.
Once the payment has been checked and received, the money is sent and can be collected by the beneficiary in the destiny.
The website users may also open a payment account with Moneytrans and execute payment transactions from such accounts via their personal area on the Moneytrans website. These payment services are reserved to customers legally residing in Spain and holding a valid identity document or residence permit.
The use of the payment accounts and of the related payment services is subject to the acceptance of separate Terms of Use which are published in the relevant sections of the website. Users must accept them in order to contract the service, in addition to complete the registration as explained in the previous section, if it has not been done.
If the customer is not satisfied with the service provided, they have the right to desist from it. The legal withdrawal period is 14 working days. However, due to the immediate nature of the service, we are not able to fulfil this right once the service has been executed, as it is credited to the account of the third party you have designated as the beneficiary.
However, the customer has the right to cancel an outstanding money transfer order, as long as it has not been paid in the country of destination of the funds. To cancel a burning order, the user must log in to their personal account, locate the order in their order history and request cancellation via the "cancel" button available on the website. Cancellation can also be requested by contacting our customer service by phone or email (contact details in section 11).
In the event that the customer requests the cancellation of an order due to a service failure on the part of MONEYTRANS, funds the full amount charged to the customer at the time of order processing (including fees) will be refunded, just in case that the order has not been paid to the beneficiary yet. In any other case, MONEYTRANS will refund just the principal amount charged to the customer.
MONEYTRANS reserves the right to exclude or not to allow the service, when it is considered against the current regulations, our money laundering policies, the general or particular conditions, morality, generally accepted customs, public order, when a third party is harmed, or when for reasons derived from the image and reputation of the Moneytrans website it is considered inappropriate. In this case, if the payment has been made, it will be refunded.
MONEYTRANS reserves all property and intellectual property rights on the Moneytrans website itself as well as on all its components, including but not limited to any text, illustration, layout and computer programs published on it or underlying it. The website users benefit from a non-exclusive license to use the Moneytrans website, which only give them the right to access the contents of the Moneytrans website, consult the information posted on it and use the services provided online, in a regular way and solely for private purposes. On the other hand, no property or other intellectual property right is by any means transferred to the website user.
Any extraction and/or reuse of all or parts of the contents of the iMoneytrans website, in any form or by any means is strictly prohibited without MONEYTRANS’ prior written consent. Similarly, any trade mark, label and logo posted on the Moneytrans website are the exclusive property of MONEYTRANS and cannot be reproduced in any form or manner, without the prior written consent of MONEYTRANS.
The non-authorized used of the information contained in this site, as well as any damage caused to the intellectual or industrial property of Moneytrans World Entidad de Pago, S.A. will give rise to the appropriate actions that legally apply and, where applicable, to claims for any liability from such action.
MONEYTRANS does not provide any guarantee and cannot be held responsible for any hypertext link created by third party websites onto the Moneytrans website, or inversely embedded on the Moneytrans website and leading to third-party websites, nor can it be held liable for the content of such third-party websites. The referred hyperlinks do not indicate in any way that MONEYTRANS is affiliated or associated to the relevant third-party websites or that the latters are authorized to use the commercial name, logo or symbols of MONEYTRANS. The Internet users expressly recognize that they shall be solely responsible for the use they might make of such third-party websites, and they declare being fully aware that these websites are governed by other Terms of Use and Privacy Policy than those applicable to the Moneytrans website.
MONEYTRANS is not responsible for the veracity and accuracy of content published by third parties or companies, being exempt of any contractual or extracontractual responsibility with users who make use of them. Moreover, MONEYTRANS declines any responsibility for those services that could eventually be provided on the website by third parties.
If you are aware of any linked website whose contents or services are illicit, harmful, denigrating, violent or contrary to moral, it would be appreciated to contact us.
MONEYTRANS could hire services providers and collaborate or assign formalized contracts to third entities in order to accomplish partially or totally the undertaken services depending on the different formalized operations.
This contract shall expire when the parties fulfil the obligations to which they commit themselves in this contract or when it is terminated by any of the parties if any of the causes for termination occur, or if the other party seriously breaches any of the obligations established in the contract.
However, the account will remain active so that the user can make future transactions.
Any communication relating to the Moneytrans website should be preferably sent by email to: [email protected]
In case the communication relates to a complaint, our Customer Service shall acknowledge its receipt within 24 hours and shall endeavour to reply to it within 14 calendar days.
Written requests or documents sent by post should be mailed to: Moneytrans World Entidad de Pago S.A., Calle Puerta del Mar 18, 8, 29005, Málaga, España.
The website users may also contact our Customer Service by phone, on weekdays from 9 am until 10 pm and on Saturdays, from 9 am until 10 pm, and Sundays 12 pm to 8 pm via the following number : +34 951 01 55 01.
Any communication containing personal data, questions, comments and/or suggestions, which is addressed to MONEYTRANS shall be considered as non-confidential, subject to the duty of discretion of MONEYTRANS and of the legal rights of privacy of the website users. Pending respect of the same legal provisions, MONEYTRANS shall have the right to reuse, copy, modify or reproduce, in any form, through any means and for any purpose, any communication received from the website users, within up to ten years of their transmission.
Data of a personal nature which is communicated to MONEYTRANS by the website users shall be processed in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy. By agreeing to the present Terms if Use, the website user also accepts the terms of our Privacy Policy, which includes the use of cookies by MONEYTRANS.
For more information about the cookies generated by the website of MONEYTRANS and their use, kindly refer to our Policy on Cookie Use.
The laws and regulations governing the provision of financial services, and in particular Spanish law 10/2010 relating to the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism require from financial institutions such as MONEYTRANS to verify the identity of their customers and to ascertain the lawful use of their financial services. MONEYTRANS therefore reserves the right to request from its customers, when indicated, additional documents evidencing their identity, source of funds and/or purpose of operations. MONEYTRANS may also suspend or cancel payment operations in the event where it cannot obtain from its customers evidence needed to meet its legal obligations.
These Terms of Use and any other provisions governing the contractual relationship between MONEYTRANS and its customers are governed by Spanish laws. As the consumer is covered by consumer protection legislation, he/she can complain or sue from the jurisdiction of his/her domicile.
Due to the consumer protection regulation, consumers can claim or demand from their home.
Both parties expressly submit and renounce their own jurisdiction, the courts and tribunals of Málaga (Spain), in the following cases:
- In case the purchasing party is placed outside of European Union and in there is not any bilateral or multilateral convention with Spain that does not let the possibility to fix the submission to a forum.
- If the purchase has been carried out by a company acting the course of business, the contract should have been requested as an independent service.
MONEYTRANS reserves the right to modify at any time the present Terms of Use, without prior notification. In the event where the amended Terms of Use increase the rights or obligations of the website users, MONEYTRANS shall notify the customers of such changes by posting a clear and easily accessible notice on the website, once month before the entry into force of the new Terms of Use.
These Terms of Use of the Moneytrans website have been were last modified on 19 April 2021 and entered into force the day of their publication.
According to the Regulation UE 524/2013 about the resolution of consumer disputes (ODR – Online Dispute Resolution), we inform that, as a consumer, a process to resolve online goods and services purchases in the EU is available.
For online resolution disputes:
More information in following link: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/ES/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32013R0524
You can download the dismissal form here.