Buy your ferry tickets with Moneytrans
More than 10 ferry routes to and from Morocco await you with our EasyTicket service. Get your ferry tickets now at your nearest Moneytrans office!
How does the EasyTicket service work?
At Moneytrans we have all your needs covered! That’s why, if you’re thinking of travelling to Morocco, our low-cost ferry tickets service is perfect for you and your family!
A fast, low-cost service
More than 10 routes to and from Morocco
When you buy your ferry tickets with EasyTicket, you’ll be able to choose from over 10 routes to and from Morocco, thanks to Moneytrans collaboration with ARMAS and FRS. Choose the one you prefer!
Decided on your route?
Buy ferry tickets for yourself or your loved ones at any of our more than 3,000 offices all over Europe!
Discover the ferry routes available
List of routes to Morocco
List of routes from Morocco
Ferries from Algeciras to Ceuta
Ferries from Ceuta to Algeciras
Ferries from from Ceuta to Tanger Med
Ferries from Tanger Med to Ceuta
Ferries from Motril to Tanger Med
Ferries from Tanger Med to Motril
Ferries from Tangier to Tarifa
Ferries from Tarifa to Tangier
Ferries from Tanger Med to Algeciras
Ferries from Algeciras to Tanger Med
Ferries from Gibraltar to Tanger Med
Ferries from Tanger Med to Gibraltar
Contact us
Your questions are 7/7 and so are we
Get in touch with our 7-day support team that speaks your language whenever you need it. Contact us by phone, email, social media or visit us in one of our 3000 agencies in Europe. You will always find our best smile.